The Good SEO Guide to Becoming an SEO Expert without an Expert

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains the most important part of a website. Without SEO, nobody will find you. To improve your SEO, the first thought is hire an expert. Experts cost money and they're

 often doing things you can do by yourself without their help.

You’ll hear about metric monitors and social media analysis. This is just fancy wording for checking to see how you’re doing. You can invest in SEO without the need to spend lots of money. Keep things basic and focus on the more advanced things when you feel ready. Learn as you go and you can get the same results as a so-called expert whilst studying how to do it all by yourself.

If you’re ready to become an SEO expert for the good of your website, here are some tips.

Start Your Journey

If you can read a book, you’re already qualified to become an expert in SEO. Becoming an expert requires familiarizing yourself with SEO and a few other crucial skills. Anyone can call themselves an expert. After all, SEO has existed for less than a decade and we already have thousands of experts charging you for their services.

Buy some books on SEO (check a favorite website or fellow SEOer for advice) and read them. Make sure they were written fairly recently and they’re from a reputable publisher. Read blog posts, tutorials, and articles. Find everything you can and you’ll soon have the knowledge needed to get started.

One area of SEO which terrifies the average web admin is the programming. It requires a limited knowledge of the coding language HTML. HTML acts as the backbone for every website on the Internet. Without it, no website could exist. There are plenty of step-by-step tutorials for HTML. Luckily, it hasn’t been updated in over a decade so any information you can find is still relevant.

Although you should watch out for the incoming HTML5 language as this will eventually take over.

Play by the Rules 

There are various rules to the field of SEO. These are known as white hat and black hat techniques. Black hat involves spamming, keyword stuffing, and other illegal measures. Become aware of them, but don’t use them yourself. Stick to legal and ethical white hat methods.

There are also grey hat SEO methods. These straddle the border between legal and illegal. Generally, you should stay away from them as they can still have your site removed from Google.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO applies to what appears on the page. This is what the average visitor sees. Search engines search for specific terms in the content. Someone running a Google search types a certain number of words in. If these terms appear on your page you will appear on the search results. These are keywords.

Keywords can feature one to a hundred words, although few go above five. Make them as niche or as general as possible. Be aware, they must read naturally in your content or you’ll turn readers away.

Title Keywords

All web pages should have a title to make it clear what the page offers readers. Place a keyword in the title, but only if they’re natural. Search engines read titles first and give these a higher priority. Expert SEO consultants can make sure it isn’t obvious there’s a keyword in the title.

Header Tags

Now it’s time to dive into off-page SEO. Off-page SEO is the coding part. It’s the area visitors won’t see. Header, or H, tags tell search engines about the important parts of their text. They’re categorized from one to five with corresponding numbers after the ‘H’. This is how to make titles.

Use them for any titles, subtitled, headings, and additional information like contact details and the author bio.

Meta Tags

Meta descriptions have been surrounded by controversy in recent years. People argue over whether Meta tags still have an influence on your SEO ranking. The truth is they have a very tiny effect on it. Still, it’s no reason to ignore it.

Dive into the HTML of your page and enter the Meta tag. The Meta description appears on the top page and consists of a couple of sentences describing your website. This is what appears in the Google search engine as the description. Add keywords to double your SEO value.

If you don’t enter a Meta tag, Google automatically uses the first few sentences on your page. Even if it doesn’t do much for your SEO, it directs visitors to your page by informing them about what they can find.

Author’s bio:
The article was provided by Sonia Jackson who writes for Essay Land. She can ask all your questions about writing and editing.
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