Top 5 Plugins to Keep Wordpress Secure - Bye By Hackers

While it is true that WordPress is quite a secure program to use, which is mainly due to the regular updates it receives, you may still want to have a foolproof security system in place. That's exactly the time when you can take some time and find the most impressive extensions or add-ons designed for better security. Here is a list of some of the very best tools that will boost your security.

1 - Secure WordPress

It is a complete security package that works by plugging up any little cracks left in your blog security. One thing it does to improve your security is that it conceals the information about the current version of WordPress - no one but the administrator is entitled to see this info. Though it is true that these types of cracks won't directly help the hacker, they may help make the task of hacking into your blog a tad easier. For instance, if a hacker knows the WordPress version you are using, it will become easy for them to figure the best tools that will help them to hack your site. 

2 - Sabre

If you run a blog and don't want users to create multiple bogus accounts, you should try this plug-in. It works amazingly well to stop fake user registrations. It actually works by adding a human test on your blog, which will ensure that no program (bot) finds way to your website and creates fake accounts. Along with some other measures, it also uses math test or image verification system to stop fake registrations. Remember, when a bot creates multiple registrations, it gains direct access to hundreds of registrations within hours. So, make sure you take no chances with this.

3 – Semisecure Login

The name is quite confusing, and many people think they shouldn't be going for something that is 'semi' secure. Don't let the name hurt your confidence – it works amazingly well by increasing your login security. By making use of a public key, it manages to encrypt a password on the client's side. You will need a private key to decrypt the password, and to handle all this, you will have to use JavaScript and PHP.

4 – Limit Login Attempts

This is another useful plug-in, which works by preventing a user from making several failed login attempts. Generally, there is a limit of four login attempts – it means the user will be blocked for twenty minutes if they don't get their password right in four attempts. The good thing is that this default value is completely customizable. In most cases, you don't need more than twenty minutes to recall your password, and that's why this add-on is quite useful.
The biggest advantage of this particular plug-in is that it saves your blog from being a victim of brute force attacks. In these attacks, the security of your blog is compromised because a computer program is asked to try every password combination possible to enter your blog. It will start with common passwords and then move on to more advanced ones – it tries every string of characters as well as numbers. It means that though it will take these programs some time to break into your blog, but they will do, eventually.
However, if a brute force program has to wait for twenty minutes after every four attempts, it will take it a lifetime to get your password right. So, don't forget to take advantage of this impressive add-on for better security.

5 – Bad Behavior

With the help of this particular plug-in, you can keep an eye on the IP address of your visitors. Basically, it checks the IP and compares it with the Project Honey Pot Database, which contains the IP addresses of spammers. Once the plug-in finds that the IP of a visitor is malicious, it restricts them from accessing your blog.
Although these databases are still new, they are quite effective in keeping known spammers at bay. Still, you cannot rely on these databases completely because some spammers tend to change their IP addresses when they spam. Moreover, some users have no choice but to share IP addresses. In this case, these innocent people will also lose access to your blog if you're using this particular plug-in.

Author’s bio:
The article is provided by Sonia J. who can explain you everything about JavaScript assignment.
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